Thursday, 17th Jan '08
I went to this play yesterday, Midsummer’s Night Dream. Wasn’t the first Midsummer Nights’ Dream play I went for. I’ve acted in one too before, a minor role for a school interclass competition. Seen modernization, flukes on it, seen the movie, and real serious plays… clearly it’s one of my Shakespeare favourites. Especially after understanding the whole elf-funda, courtesy J.R.R.Tolkien, reading the triad and the supplements so many times (actually 2 times, the whole set at a time), anything related to elves remotely with the wood-magic gets me secretly excited. Maybe the Enid Blyton “Faraway Tree- Enchanted Wood” series were a part of the premonition craze setting in.
From where to where? I’ve digressed yet again. The play. The play. The play. Focus.
I get the feel, sometimes, that I’m too full of myself? Am I?
This “A Midsummer’s Night Dream”- directed by Tim Supple, was a visual treat (u know who I’m referring to- if ur reading this, ‘I still haven’t seen Rebecca’). Adaptation into the Indian settings, the languages, even though I didn’t understand much of the regional multilingual, the multi-ethnicity, the energy, the performance, the sets, the stage, the creativity was astounding, no doubt all the four shows slated in the city were houseful, which rose to a ear-deafening standing applause to appreciate the performance.
Maybe I should shut up. I can’t capture it in words. And if you’re lucky, maybe you should go check it out, it’s apparently on a world tour run.
i know it's you...
why u anonymous?
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