The Time Concept

3rd October '09

It’s time.

Time it is.

What’s the time?

IT’s Time!

I saw myself running and running to find some time. And I really never got it as such. The planned, the scheduled always got upset and just when I was about to clutch it and feel it and enjoy it. It escaped. Tired I stopped looking aggressively for it. And then when the search ceased, it came to me.

I never get the concept of time. I’m punctual alright, most if the times ‘on dot’ or before (much to the trouble of others). But by concept of time I mean: past, present and future. It’s weird. Like the time machine. Just because I can travel in time, I’ll never be where I should be. Keep shuttling to and fro. So the reactions of the future, happen in the present- me having pre- sensed it. And the pains of the past bleed much later. Weird, but it happens all the time.

It’s time.

Time it is.

What’s the time?

IT’s Time!

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