18th November '2017
Mind: Magic.Tick.
Body: Kathak. Tick.
Soul: Meditation. Tick.
Everyone has Solutions.
Why the hell am I not asleep?
Cause I can't seem to know when to keep by gob shut.
Why the hell is my gob open?
That's for an innate inner need that I need some more indepth research.
Not every person I love needs to be near
Not every person I consider near, needs to know my soul
No need to say hello.
It's fine.
We'll go on as.
The cat and mouse.
Sometimes the kitten can get spots.
Which are not measles.
They can be black and can prowl.
Let's just believe her when she says.
I love you they say
We care, they share
But then why don't they?
Why do they have to say?
Why do they need to speak?
For the sake of it?
I understand truths have versions.
But is the version still relevant if it tramples upon someone?
Or is the satisfaction of it being out so dear, that you forget that someone is near?
Everyone Cares.
Everyone has feelings about things.
Their version is always true.
And my version?
a weakness.
a figment of my imagination.
a hyperbole.
a faulty story.
a case of law.
Judgement: I'm wrong
Sentencing: shut your gob.
That's why I need to shut my gob!