Writing is also a curse. It flows. It unearths.
It's a part of you. A lot of who you are. Strangely, it's very difficult to write something you don't feel. Strangely, it's a lot easier to believe something which is written, than what is said. Maybe because it's more soul-ful.
that's why i call my blog expressed...
caoz it's expression done- expressed.
I'm not a perfect person. I'm not a perfect soul. But I try to (I can) , am able to (thanks to god) keep my intentions correct. And that also, if if thwarted by the grapevine rounds. should I care?
I just gotta keep my circle tight. And have in my mind, lotsa might. Right. Right. Right.
And then, with a smile on my face... CHARAIVAiTee. CHARAIVAiTee.
ye kya hai??
it means to keep moving in life...
flowing liek a river....in the likes of "chalna hee jeevan hai"
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